Twelve artists with epilepsy will be selected as "Featured Artists" for 2010. Each artist will receive $100 AUD from the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria and be in a priority status along with the twenty-four artists previously selected in 2009 for display in the touring art exhibition in 2010 - 2012.
1. ten digital images of your visual art,
2. the titles of the artworks along with the mediums used, size, date of completion and brief description,
3. answers to general background questions, and
4. consent to display your artwork on the web site, art exhibitions and associated publications.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: July 30, 2010. The selections will be made in August of 2010.
INCLUSION IN TOURING ART EXHIBITION: Each featured artists will be asked to loan an artwork for display at the "Creative Sparks International Art Exhibition" in October 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. The same collection will likely be toured internationally in the future. Artists retain ownership and copyright interests to artwork, with the exception of purchase awards of $1,000 or more.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please e-mail jimchambliss@msn.com