Congratulations go out to Vicki Deutsch, Phil Thompson, Emma Brockett and Myron Dyal for having their artworks selected by their editor, Ann Little, for publication. This art exhibition from people with epilepsy offers more than a showing of art. It represents the opportunity for a strong collective voice of people with epilepsy to be heard and eventually better understood.
Personal Comments from Published Artists:
Emma Brockett (Australia)
"Our personalities are governed by our brains. Obviously those with epilepsy, in theory, will perceive art and make art in a different way from those who don't have epilepsy. Also, artists with epilepsy may display similarities only found in people with epilepsy, or the same type of epilepsy. I hope the exhibition makes people start to think about epilepsy and its consequences and opens up a dialog, which leads to a better understanding of the condition. I think art is a great way to do this as, I believe that, everyone will have an opinion of what they see. I would like to encourage people with epilepsy, including my self, to feel that they can be upfront about their epilepsy and not fear the consequences of such a disclosure. I have been told many times living in fear, is not a productive way of living at all."
Vicki Deutsch (USA):
“I would like people to understand that many people with epilepsy are not mentally disabled but rather differently 'abled.' We are creative artists and live every day lives like most others with the one disadvantage of disruptive seizures and remembering daily medications. Some of our artwork will show the inner feelings that we have about ourselves and our situation. This will give the general public more insight into an illness that does not automatically mean retardation, slow thinking and the devil causing our seizures. Depression linked to our disability and the medications is possibly the more troubling part of epilepsy. As we've all heard, the cure can sometimes be worse than the illness.”
Myron Dyal (USA)
"I have been showing my work for a few years now. My main theme is that all people regardless what their condition or circumstance can contribute not only to themselves, but to others as well. I have attempted to show in all my work all the inner pain and beauty that can be manifested with a condition as severe as epilepsy, but also a way out of that pain!
Life is not always kind, but we must be strong and fight for our dreams and never give them up for any one, any condition, or any circumstance. Once we have found our way down the pathway to our dreams then giving to others becomes part of that healing process. So, I hope that in some small way my art will help others find their own way to wholeness so that we can all see all the way home!!"

Emma Brockett (Australia)

Vicki Deutsch (USA):
“I would like people to understand that many people with epilepsy are not mentally disabled but rather differently 'abled.' We are creative artists and live every day lives like most others with the one disadvantage of disruptive seizures and remembering daily medications. Some of our artwork will show the inner feelings that we have about ourselves and our situation. This will give the general public more insight into an illness that does not automatically mean retardation, slow thinking and the devil causing our seizures. Depression linked to our disability and the medications is possibly the more troubling part of epilepsy. As we've all heard, the cure can sometimes be worse than the illness.”

"I have been showing my work for a few years now. My main theme is that all people regardless what their condition or circumstance can contribute not only to themselves, but to others as well. I have attempted to show in all my work all the inner pain and beauty that can be manifested with a condition as severe as epilepsy, but also a way out of that pain!
Life is not always kind, but we must be strong and fight for our dreams and never give them up for any one, any condition, or any circumstance. Once we have found our way down the pathway to our dreams then giving to others becomes part of that healing process. So, I hope that in some small way my art will help others find their own way to wholeness so that we can all see all the way home!!"

Phil Thomson (Australia)
"I want to make reference in my art to the fact that I have epilepsy because it has such a profound effect on my imagination, visual senses, emotions and on my perceptions and observations around me. What I would most like people to know about epilepsy is that it is a condition that effects and alters every aspect of human consciousness. It exposes someone who has epilepsy to state of perception that are experienced by relatively few of the overall population surrounding them."