There are 94 artists with epilepsy who have participated in our study. This exhibition is, in part, our act of appreciation for the time and effort that each participant has put into this study of the influence of epilepsy in art. The exhibition in Melbourne will be an excellent opportunity for artists with epilepsy, their family and their friends to share stories of common experiences.
The exhibition is voluntary for participants. All of the participants from Victoria who have completed the Stage One of the study are invited to show one of their artworks. International artists and artists from other states in Australia can show an artwork by invitation pursuant to selection of a panel of independent judges in combination with an organizing committee. We only have room in the gallery for about 50 to 60 artworks. Artists who provide the requested information such as a photo of oneself and statements will be given a priority in the decisions of whose work will be displayed. Yet, this will be the largest exhibition of the art of people living with epilepsy ever assembled in one location.

We are now in the process of collecting artworks for the upcoming exhibition. Participants will be contacted by Jim Chambliss, Pauline Brockett or an associate of the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria in the next several weeks about the display of one's art.
Please keep checking this blog over the next several weeks for updates.